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Youth Retreats facilitated by Young People Who Care are available throughout the year.  They are directed by Sr. Suzanne along with a team of adults.  Retreats can be designed from ages kindergarten to college.  The location of the retreat and the length of your retreat is based upon the needs of your parish.  Sr. Suzanne and her team will work closely with you to provide an exciting youth retreat.  

Themes for retreats are based according to your needs.  They can be designed based on Sacraments, Christian values, service, family relationships, or vocational.  Themes can individually designed to fit each parish.  Here is a list of example themes for retreats:


  • Live What You Believe

  • What Path Are You On?

  • Healthy Relationships

  • Holy Spirit

  • Parents & Teens

  • The Whole Family

  • The Parables

  • Priest, Prophet, King

  • Baptism

  • Eucharist

  • Confirmation

  • Value Clarification

  • The Beatitudes

  • Forms of Prayers

  • Reconciliation

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