about this retreat
Rooted in the ancient Christian contemplative tradition, the goal of this form of Christian prayer is to foster a deeper intimacy with Christ through the silence and stillness of contemplative prayer.
Intensive: An in-depth retreat for those experienced in Centering Prayer. The retreat will facilitate entrance into a more profound level of spiritual practice in an atmosphere of silence, solitude, and community.
Post-Intensive: An opportunity to spend extended time in deep silence in community to encourage a more intimate union with God. An intensive Centering Prayer experience is a prerequisite of the Post-Intensive.
This 6 Day Retreat will be an in-depth retreat for those experienced in Centering Prayer. The retreat will facilitate entrance into a more profound level of spiritual practice in an atmosphere of silence, solitude, and community with an opportunity to spend extended time in deep silence in community to encourage a more intimate union with God. An existing Centering Prayer practice is a prerequisite for attending this retreat.
Fr. Thomas Keating’s teaching on the Human Condition (videos) will be viewed. As we have experienced, these videos can be viewed over-and-over again as the spiritual journey continues at deeper levels.
$720 per person
retreat includes
Sr. Ruth Ann Madera
Sr. Ruth Ann is a Spiritual Director and Retreat Director. She provides spiritual direction on an ongoing basis as well as spiritual companioning/direction during retreats at Bethany Retreat Center. Sr. Ruth Ann has her degree in Religious Studies from St. Francis University. She is also a graduate of Shalem’s Spiritual Guidance Program.

About the facilitator
Elizabeth Graboski
Elizabeth Graboski is a longtime contemplative prayer practitioner, a Centering Prayer facilitator and commissioned presenter of Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina for Contemplative Outreach. She currently serves with Contemplative Outreach Central Pennsylvania local chapter for the Spiritual Enrichment and Formation for Facilitators of Centering Prayer Groups